Quo Vadis Twitter

Rasmussen Reports has a few interesting notes on Twitter users in their June 24th release.

Just nine percent (9%) of Americans say they actually have a Twitter account. Seventy-one percent (71%) have read, seen or heard about Twitter.com, but an overwhelming majority (88%) of adults do not have an account.

Adults ages 18 to 39 are more likely to be Twitter users than those who are older. Those who earn $75,000 or more per year are more likely to have a Twitter account than those who earn less.

Apparently, Twitter is a lot like talk radio. Only a small portion of listeners ever call radio talk shows and it appears that only a small portion of Twitter users frequently post to the site.

Twenty percent (20%) send a tweet several times a month, while 11% post one several times a week. Only nine percent (9%) say they tweet nearly every day or several times a day.